Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mother and Child

'Mother and Child'
Acrylic on canvas 12x16


Alas dos, mudto, kan init
Aw, amung malanitlanit
Nagkurahaw, "pumaydi ika!"
dalagan pasiring pasilya.
"Mayna ngani ta laka fuerte baga
aliün kan mga atamang lüsa
tanganing kagüw mapundo na!"

Alas dos, mudto, magatül
ataman sa payo nay paradakül
"Anapa su surud, dali na!"
Amu na lugud inguto-i pa.
"Ika magtaga-usay-usay
Ta ika daraga na, babay!
Ali-a na kan kuto sa bway."

Sunday, January 22, 2012

More Fun

Go with the trend, It’s more fun if Filipinos support the new slogan of Department of Tourism’s “It’s More Fun in the Philippines”. I think it’s time to uplift the country’s beauty and let the world see its magnificent treasures. Everyone’s a campaigner!

                                        Catburawan, Ligao City | |Photo courtesy of Farah Diaz

                                    Cagsawa Ruins, Daraga, Albay | photo courtesy by Farah Diaz

                                      Alkansya or "coin banks" made out of clay in Tiwi, Albay

                               Zipline in Lignon Hill, Daraga, Albay |photo courtesy by Farah Diaz

                                              Puerto Princesa Subterranean River, Palawan

                                                    Sunka at Baker's Hill Garden, Palawan