Friday, September 6, 2013

AN PROFETA Khalil Gibran

Book Launching event: AN PROFETA Khalil Gibran, SEPT. 10, 2013, Arrupe Convention Center, Ateneo de Naga University, Philippines
Translated in Bikol by Fr. Wilmer Tria
Illustrations by Berns Bijuega

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Twin (2013)

Twin (2013)
acrylic and oil on canvas
40x50 cm
Berns Brijuega

Sunday, June 16, 2013

It's More F.A.N. Arts Exhibit

 Burikbutikan Artists Collective has been organizing Arts Exhibits not just to promote Bikol arts but also to help bikolano artists for their advocates and passion using their mediums. This month, the local group features 3 artists of the region, Frank Penones, Jr., Alden Velasquez, and Nona Beltran.

The opening was held at the group's base, Arte des Cafes in San Nicolas, Baao, Camarines Sur. The president of the group and the beautiful owner of the art place, Ms. Bernadette De Los Santos, opened the event.

 'Bidibidi' Delos Santos
Frank Penones, Jr. is renowned as a Bikolano writer. But this exhibit also shows his other interest in the realm of art, making masterpiece out of ingenious and scrap materials he found anywhere.

 Frank Penones, Jr.

 It is my first time to meet Alden Velasquez, a painter from Nabua, Camarines Sur. He features his abstraction series explaining what he views with his life. He is also a figurative painter.

 Alden Velasquez

Some of the works of Alden Velasquez

Frank Penones Jr.'s 'social folkloric' arts

Unfortunately, I was not able to meet Nona Beltran. Her artworks are still life and figurative paintings.

It's More F.A.N. Arts Exhibit is a month-long show. Visit Cafe des Artes, Baao to see what these 3 bikolano visual artists can offer.

Berns Brijuega

June 17, 2013


acrylic on 57x75 cm canvas

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013

B.A.D. - A visual arts exhibit

B.A.D. boys. "young Bikolano artists" as they say.

In celebration of February as National Arts Month, we opened a visual arts exhibit featuring my oil and acrylic paintings, Panch Alvarez' doodles and mix media arts and Fadi Ghaleeb Diaz' photographs.

This is my first collaborative-exhibit with two young artists of Bicol. This is a move to refresh the spirit of arts and culture in the region.

 The BAD boys of bikolano arts; Panch Alvarez, Fadi Ghaleeb Diaz, and yours truly, Berns Brijuega.

 I personally thank Kristian Cordero, a bikolano poet and award-winning writer, for discovering my pieces and passion in the arts. He is the backbone of this event, introducing us to some of the great local artists and writers of the region such as 'Bidibidi' de los Santos, Fr. Nonie Bancaso, Al Oliva, Frank Penones Jr., and Ms. Doods Santos.

As a hobbiest, my aim was only to paint for the sake of blogging it. It is still an exhibition of my arts online, in a more modern way. But there is always the need for the real arts interaction, a more personal viewing and sharing my artworks to public. 10 of my works are exhibited in the event, and these are sentimental artworks because these are my first great works as a developing painter.

Our generation has lots to offer in the arena of the arts. We can still contribute for the growth of our own culture and rich traditions. I always believe that art is the food of our soul. As the youngsters of our community, we have these fresh and creative ingredients to cook the meal for the sake of our people. In time, our foods will be part of the great menu that would change the world for the better through the arts.

The exhibit was held at Cafe de Artes, Villa Esperanza, San Nicolas, Baao, CamSur. It was a month-long exhibition and opened to the public for viewing. | photo credits Bernadette "Bidibidi" de los Santos and Fadi Ghaleeb Diaz

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Nagsisinarom (Twilight)
palette knife painting
oil on canvas 12x18'

This is my second palette knife painting next to Kaguw. I was inspired by Lion King's Circle of Life and this is my version of it.