Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Haiku in Bikol Polangui

duduy pa man lang

Few when started

tarangranan, nagdakol

Giving of food, became more

amung pangandyi

indeed in group pray'r

lana mi plato

holy oil and plate

bulung sa naenkanto

cure for the fairy spell


gone through santigwar

siging pag-ibi

continuous cry

rugo nay para bulos

redblood flowing and flowing

Ay! napasungkab

tripped, fell to the ground


run fast. Faster, run!

kayun parada sa l'was

There is a parade outside

aw guran palan

Aw, funeral march

isus, isus ko!
Jesus, my Jesus!
nakakitang makanus
I just saw an ugly face
nay salmin palan
facing the mirror