Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Well and Mill

Well and Mill
Mixed Media on Canvas

Well and Mill" is my very first painting in canvas. I finished this on June 6, 2005, I was incoming grade 6 in elementary back then.

I used acrylic paints for this masterpiece. Since this was my first time to paint on canvas, I did not know some techniques in painting. Art Attack, my all-time favorite TV show in Disney, somehow gave me some important techniques in doing such masterpiece. Until now I am learning from this show (The show is no longer broadcast in Disney but I always visit their website

Well and Mill" is a painting of a well vignetted by wild grasses and a tree in a yellow-green hills background where a windmill is erected. I find this painting very sad because there is no live action in the scene. Very calm, peaceful; silence as I described this painting.

There were some flaws that I committed while doing this painting. I admit that I am not a good artist but just a trying hard, so I will share to you my top mistakes in this painting.

First, I mixed up Acrylic and Oil-based paints. I didn't have white acrylic so I rushed to the market and bought a can of Enamel white, which is an oil-based paint. While mixing colors, I suddenly noticed that the white was not mixing with acry-colors. But After continuous stirring, it mixed up but there were some white bits in the color.

Second, I didn't know how to play with shadows, that's why the windmill's is somewhat an apparition!

Anyway, whatever are my flaws on this painting I've done, still I am happy with this masterpiece. :D

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